Friday 27 November 2015


Have you ever gone go karting? Those little cars look quite harmless and fun don't they?
Well they are not fun if you go around racing while not knowing how to drive....

This is what happened when our group when go karting. Now among us, only Tarak has a driving license. Although I'm not sure he's a very good driver since he has crashed his father's car 4 times in 6 months.

We took a bus from the campus at 10 am and reached the go karting place at 11. I hate travelling these days and you know whom I blame? I blame the public transport. They are so crowded and the buses shake and make noise as if if would fall apart that very moment. 6 of us got seats in the bus, the rest stood. We exchanged seats to make sure all of us got to sit. When it was my turn to stand, I gave my seat to Sarvesh. I held a rod above my head for support and then the dance started. As the bus moved, the people started swaying like leaves in wind. I tried to stand straight but it's really hard to do so when everyone keeps swaying around you and pushes you in same direction.

On reaching the go karting place,we decided we would first go kart and then grab some lunch. It seemed like a nice plan to all of us but Anil. He had skipped breakfast and so decided to fill up on a few burgers. He went and got himself 2 Mc Aloo Tikki burgers and a coke and gobbled them up real slow. Then, we all bought our tickets and went to ride some tiny cars.

They had enough cars for all 10 of us so we got in the cars and fired up the engines while the instructor there told us how to drive them. I have heard a lot of people say driving is a very fun and relaxing activity. Pretty sure they haven't seen the traffic here in the city. No one uses the side indicators and traffic moves so slow at times that you feel you're riding a tortoise.

Well, I got a black and red coloured car and started driving as I had been taught. Tarak was driving the fastest, as expected. I'm pretty sure he finished two laps by the time most of us were done with only one. We all were having fun except two people.

Sumit was in a blue coloured car and was driving quite recklessly. I don't think he liked the idea that Tarak was so good and decided to show off. He gunned his engine ferociously and quickly overtook me, Vicky and Kartik. I was a little startled with his sudden move and shouted "Calm down pal, this ain't a racing track." But, I doubt he heard it, or even if he did, he decided it was not worth his time.

He road ahead was pretty straight and he kept accelerating. Within a few seconds, he caught up with Tarak. But as is his nature, in trying to show off, the guy forgot a turn was coming and he was too fast to make it properly. While Tarak applied his brakes and drifted the car in proper direction, Sumit finally got some sense into him and pushed the brakes and steered the car, letting go off the accelerator. At first I thought he made the drift. But then, came a loud noise of metal crashing into rubber. Sumit's car hit the tyres that were kept for protection. I think they probably saved him a few broken bones, but definitely not the wrath of the instructor who went full Rambo on him. Normally, I would feel bad for a guy who crashed, but this was too hilarious to control my laughter. People around followed my suit too. I don't think Sumit appreciated it cause he gave me his" I'll kill you" look.

But this was not the funniest incident. Some time later, Sumit got into the car and started driving. I think scolding by the instructor had its effect because he stopped driving recklessly. I had driven 5 rounds by now, which was the limit and so came out of the car and watched as Anil and Sumit, the last two completed their final round. Anil was ahead of Sumit and not matter how much Sumit tried, he couldn't overtake Anil. One could tell he was getting frustrated by the look on his face. And then he went around and did something that makes up for one of the funniest payback seen I've ever seen. Sumit hit Anil's car in the backside on the left. Because of this, Anil's car swerved and turned around in a circle. Now remember I told you Anil had stuffed burgers before? Well it turns out that reckless driving and heavy exercise don't go well if you have just eaten. All the food that had gone into his thin, shrunken belly came out with a violent force. And guess who was on the receiving end of it? All that vomit splashed right on Sumit. For a moment, everything went quite. But then the crowd around cheered. We all started to laugh and clap. Karma had definitely been a bitch. Sumit just sat there dumb faced while Anil too joined in the laughter.

Both of them then came out of the car. The authorities allowed Sumit to use the employee restroom to clean up. We got him a new shirt so he could change. But just for fun, we got him a smaller size. It looked extremely ridiculous on him, but there was nothing he could do about it. Anil cleaned his face and then we had lunch at Mc Donald. Sumit had to sit away as none of us wanted to be near him. Afterall, he smelt like vomit.

We then took a bus back to the campus and Sumit rushed to have a bath. I think he learned his lesson that day. Never try to show off.